1 ) Question: How do I contact the Kansas QSO Party with questions or comments?
Answer: Follow the directions on the Contact page from the link on the left.
2 ) Question: Why is the QSO Party not running for a full 24 hours?
Answer: Rates really drop off later at night and we don't want our mobile and rover stations to feel like they need to operate at night. Only logs with valid times between party event times are counted.
3 ) Question: What logging software is available for the Kansas QSO Party?
Answer: See the Logging Software Page
4 ) Question: How do I see which counties the mobiles and rovers are activating?
Answer: Check the Mobile Routes page and click on the link next to the mobile or rover for a map of their route. You can see a print version of their route in day/county order below the initial list of operators. Also check the Map by Day, Map by Mode and Rare Counties Map to see how to prioritize the counties. Many operators will also spot themselves or be spotted with the spotting link on the home page of this web site.
5 ) Question: I am hearing Kansas 1x1 calls prior to the KSQP on Saturday. Can I count those contacts for the Kansas QSO Party Certificate?
Answer: The 1x1 operators got their calls a day or so early to test their equipment and help promote the event. Only contacts during the Kansas QSO Party itself count for the certificate.
6 ) Question: Why didn't I get a certificate and stamps after the QSO party?
Answer: We only send certificates and stamps to stations who send in a log and who actually request one. Check the Rules for additional information.