Thank you for participating in the Kansas QSO Party!

Creating your log file (see below for log submittal)

When the QSO party is over, your next step is to create your log file. If you use logging software, choose the SaveAs Cabrillo option. Accepted file extensions are *.log or *.cbr. Use your call, club call, or 1x1 call to name the file as appropriate (Example: W0BH.LOG).

If you have a handwritten log, use the following link to create your Cabrillo file (thanks, Bruce/WA7BNM):

You could also type your paper log into a text editor like Notepad (please don't use Word or Excel) by following the sample log below. The sample log has examples of how to log all bands 160m thru 6m as well as examples of CW, SSB, and digital (use RY for all digital contacts).

There is also a county line example (K0A/M) on the Marion/Chase county line. Notice that you need to log two complete QSO lines. Just add more lines for three and four-county line contacts. Please don't log multiple counties with a slash in between. MRN/CHS would not be a valid QTH.

Here are some additional suggestions and considerations.

  1. Spacing isn't important, but there must be at least one blank space between fields, and the order of the field is required. It makes it easier to read if the fields line up.

  2. We don't check RST, but the field must be there, 59 for PH, 599 for CW/DIG.

  3. Use RY for any digital contacts, regardless of type. FT4/FT8 contacts do not go in this log (refer to the Rules)

  4. You can log mobiles as K0S/M or K0S/HVY or just K0S. Be sure the county is in the QTH field

  5. If you worked 1x1 calls and didn't get their county, just put in KS for the location.

  6. Log all DUPES. You are not penalized and other stations might lose points if you don't.

  7. The only valid dates are 2023-08-26 and 2023-08-27.

  8. Valid times are from 1400-2359 on the 26th, 0000-0159 and 1400-1959 on the 27th.

  9. Exact frequency isn't important, but be sure you log the correct band frequency. Examples below are for 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 6 meters.

  10. Log all non-US/VE as DX (includes Puerto Rico stations like KP4P).

  11. Name your log CALL.LOG, ex: W0BH.LOG.

  12. Thanks again for taking the time to convert your log to Cabrillo! Next year, you might consider a logging program like N1MM which will do it for you using the newer Cabrillo 3.0. We'll accept either format.

  13. If your logging software doesn't have the Cabrillo option, save your log in ADIF format with a *.adi extension. You could then download an ADIF to Cabrillo converter, or email us the ADIF file.

Submitting your log file

Your log must be date-stamped or postmarked by October 1, 2023.

There are three options for submitting your log. Again, please name your log CALL.LOG, ex: W0BH.LOG.

Method 1 (preferred) – Upload your Cabrillo format log (except FT4/8) to:

You’ll get immediate confirmation and our Logs Received page will be updated. This option will be live once we get closer to the QSO party date. Thanks again to Bruce/WA7BNM for the log submittal form.

Method 2 – Attach your log file to an email with your call sign in the Subject line. Send the email to If you have a Cabrillo log, use Method 1.
Use this method for FT4/8 logs.
FT4/8 logs should be named CALL_FT4.LOG or CALL_FT8.LOG

Method 3 - Paper logs, or logs on electronic media may be submitted via postal mail to:

Kansas QSO Party
% Bob Harder, W0BH
P.O. Box 746
Hesston, KS 67062

<------------ Example Text --------
Example Cabrillo header

START-OF-LOG: 2.0 LOCATION: GA CONTEST: KS-QSO-PARTY CALLSIGN: K4BAI OPERATORS: K4BAI CATEGORY: SINGLE-OP LOW POWER CLAIMED-SCORE: (not required) CLUB: (not required) EMAIL: NAME: ADDRESS: (street) ADDRESS: (city ST ZIP) ADDRESS: USA SOAPBOX: SOAPBOX: SOAPBOX: QSO: 1800 CW 2023-08-26 1400 K4BAI 599 GA W0S 599 THO You have three different options for logging a mobile contact. QSO: 3500 CW 2023-08-26 1500 K4BAI 599 GA K0S/M 599 MRN QSO: 3500 CW 2023-08-26 1530 K4BAI 599 GA K0S/CHS 599 CHS QSO: 7000 PH 2023-08-26 1600 K4BAI 59 GA K0S 59 MCP Here is how to log a three-county line mobile contact. Log three separate contacts. Do not log MCP/MRN/HVY as the QTH! QSO: 7000 PH 2023-08-26 1630 K4BAI 59 GA K0S 59 MCP QSO: 7000 PH 2023-08-26 1630 K4BAI 59 GA K0S 59 MRN QSO: 7000 PH 2023-08-26 1630 K4BAI 59 GA K0S 59 HVY QSO: 14000 PH 2023-08-26 1700 K4BAI 59 GA K0Y 59 MRN QSO: 21000 RY 2023-08-27 0159 K4BAI 599 GA K0FJ 599 THO QSO: 28000 RY 2022-08-27 1959 K4BAI 599 GA KS0KS 599 JOH QSO: 50 CW 2022-08-27 1959 K4BAI 599 GA W0BH 599 MCP END-OF-LOG:

---------End Example Text -------- >

Kansas QSO Party © 2009-2023 August 25, 2023 12:07