2024 Kansas QSO Party Sponsors

The following businesses, radio clubs and individuals have contributed
$150 or more, making our awards possible each year. Thank you!

B & H Sales
Derby, KS

Associated Radio
Iowa DX and Contest Club WIØWA
Marshall Toburen

John Zimmerman

Hesston College ARC Linkback
Link back image code to the KSQP
Worked All Kansas (105 counties) Connie Marshall, K5CM
Single-Op High Power Mixed Dan Eskenazi, K7SS
Single-Op High Power CW Bruce Frahm, KØBJ
Single-Op High Power SSB Iowa DX and Contest Club, WIØWA
Single-Op Low Power Mixed Bill Henderson, KØVBU
Single-Op Low Power CW John Zimmerman, KØJVX
Single-Op Low Power SSB Vic Henke, Jr KEØSYO
Single-Op QRP Jeanne Groves, KSØJG
Multi-Op Johnson County RAC, WØERH
Youth Gary Ebbeson, KCØZVN
Canada James Whitfield, N5GUI
DX Pam Marshall, N5KW
Sunday Associated Radio
Sunflower B&H Sales
FT8 Janice Hoettels, KA9VVQ
Ohio Kent Hoskinson, KØWRY
Certificates/Stamps Iowa DX and Contest Club, WIØWA
T-Shirts Johnson County RAC, WØERH
Single-Op High Power Mixed Santa Fe Trail ARC, KSØKS
Single-Op High Power CW Mike Afton, KØPY
Single-Op High Power SSB ARRL Midwest Division, K2DP
Single-Op Low Power Mixed Richard Johnson, KØRCJ
Single-Op Low Power CW ARRL Kansas Section, KBØDTI
Single-Op Low Power SSB Reno County ARC, WØWR
Single-Op QRP Kickapoo QRP ARC, WØEBB
Multi-Operator Kansas-Nebraska Radio Club, NØGJ
Club Emily Stewart, KCØPTL
Youth James Whitfield, N5GUI
Mobile Single-Op Mixed Marshall Toburen, AAØFO
Mobile Single-Op CW Tom Lappin, WØUY
Mobile Single-Op SSB Newton ARC, WØBZN
Mobile Multi-Op Russell Groves, WXØRG
Mobile Unlimited Shurts Farms, WØNO
Rover Jarbalo Amateur Radio Association, WØROO
Portable Mike Albers, KØFJ
Expedition New Award (available)
FT8 Steve Pawl, N1SEP
Sunflower Matt Matthes, KDØEZS
Kansas Rookie John Goerzen, KRØL
Certificates/Stamps Marshall Toburen, AAØFO
T-Shirts Santa Fe Trail ARC, KSØKS

We welcome businesses, clubs and individuals
to join in becoming event sponsors!

Kansas QSO Party © 2024

Updated: Sunday, August 18, 2024 23:38